Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello There!

My name is Rusty and I am the "assistant to Development, Education, and New Media." I am a sophomore here at WM and have been in the museum for a year now. As far as what I do here, it changes just about everyday. Somedays it's laying out invitations, postcards, and newsletters, and others I'm just helping those in need of assistance. 
Currently, as Caitlin noted, we are all gearing up for Beyond the Edge of the Sea in the fall which is sure to be a smash hit. Briefly, the show is a wonderful collection of underwater illustrations of species found miles under the surface of the ocean. The watercolors were painted by Karen Jacobsen while on deep-ocean adventures with the legendary scientist Dr. Cindy Van Dover in the Alvin submersible. We have produced all kinds of amazing products such as a natural history guide, full exhibition catalog, and COLORING BOOK (my personal favorite). As a preview here is a sample coloring book. Who doesn't like connect the dots?

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