Hello, friendly Internet dwellers and fellow DEN enthusiasts! This is Elayne, and I thought I’d introduce myself, since you’ll likely be hearing a lot more from me in the next two years (unless, somehow, I get myself fired).
I’m the new Graduate Assistant here in the DEN, and I’m currently working on my Master’s Degree in School Counseling. I also went to good old WM for my undergraduate degree and graduated in 2007. Unfortunately, as an undergrad, I wasn’t aware of all the great resources that the Muscarelle has to offer, and my educational experience was weaker because of it. Lucky for you, however, it is now MY job now to make sure that you don’t make that same tragic mistake!
I'll be working on different student outreach programs while I'm here (when I'm not hauling heavy boxes of musty books, of course), so if you have any ideas about how to make the Muscarelle YOUR Muscarelle, let me know!
With sore arms and high hopes,