Wednesday, July 30, 2008

From the Desk of Dr. Gorman

Of course I need no introductions, but just for those not yet in the know, this is Amy, Curator of Education and New Media at the Muscarelle, and current warden of the DENmates. This summer has been a whirlwind of projects on exhibitions, education, research, marketing and development, all gearing up for our Extreme Exploration exhibitions including Beyond the Edge of the Sea: Diversity of Life, Celestial Images, and Underwater Photography by Dennis Libberson.
As we come to a close of the summer, I have to say thank you for the incredible work everyone has contributed to the DEN this season; Kathryn, Rusty, Paula, Megan, Sara G, Sarah W, Caitlin, Ansley, Jen, Christina, and Dave.


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